HomeLifestyleHealth and FitnessHow to Secure a Pollution-Free Environment in Your Factory?

How to Secure a Pollution-Free Environment in Your Factory?

For us humans, the most precious thing is health which we can secure by keeping an eco-friendly environment. This holds true for all the places we own, especially our homes and workplaces.

According to a study Each year, approximately 7.6 billion tons of industrial solid waste are generated and disposed of at a broad spectrum of American industrial facilities.

Unfortunately, if your factory does not meet the standards in this regard, the following is our guide for you. Follow each step with the utmost vigilance and secure a pollution-free environment in your factory.

Steps to Ensure a Clean & Carbon-Free Environment

A person driving a lifter in factory

Having a number of machines and other equipment running round the clock and with so many employees working day and night, your factory is bound to get dirty and dusty every day. You need to keep it in tip-top condition if you want to run it for generations to come.

Maintaining the whole plant, machines and the working area requires strategies, planning, and practices. Some of the most important ones are as under.

1. Make a Definite Maintenance Plan

You cannot treat every factory with the same formula. Which maintenance plan suits your factory depends on the total area, the types and the number of machines there, the number of employees and the working atmosphere you have in your factory. Think hard for a specific plan for your factory covering both the scheduled or regular cleanups and the periodic or random machine troubleshooting.

2. Hire Special Staff

In order to ensure routine cleaning and maintenance, there must be an in-house special staff. Machine cleaners and repairers, janitorial staff and other peons and office boys may hire to constitute this special staff.

All cleaning tasks ranging from servicing the machines to sweeping, mopping and washing the rooms and bathrooms will be done by this special staff on a regular basis. Also your business manager should keep an eye on working staff all the time to boost their productivity.

3. Make a Schedule to Check Your Machinery Regularly

Checking your machines periodically is a good preventive measure to ensure their longevity and productivity. It further helps to keep them from breaking down abruptly and also to spot some impending issue before it actually happens. So, making such a plan is always fruitful.

4. Pay Special Attention to Floors

Factories usually cover a lot of space and yours will be no exception, either. Hence, a lot of floor spacing must be there covered with dust, trash, litter and debris of all kinds. All this definitely proves a health and safety hazard that must remove from time to time. Deploy the specially hired staff to accomplish this task readily and efficiently.

5. Arrange for the High Water Pressure for Big Cleaning Tasks

Concrete surfaces and even the sides of the heavy machines require thorough and deep cleaning with the heavy water pressure. So, manage high-power water pressure cleaners to remove all the stains and grime. Also, ensure everything gets dried up before the restoration of work normally to avoid any accident or mishap.

6. Need a Millwright to be There all the Time

Some heavy machines are not understandable to ordinary repairers and maintainers. They need professionals to take care of them. No need to take any risk and immediately hire a professional millwright for those valuables. Never trust your floor worker with little knowledge and experience in this regard.

Steps to Treat Industrial Pollution

Waste of factories causing pollution in the environment

According to a study the world generates 2.01 billion tonnes of municipal solid waste annually, with at least 33 percent of that—extremely conservatively—not managed in an environmentally safe manner.

Every factory produces waste the processing of which is either cost-effective or cost-prohibitive. In the case of cost-effective processing, the factory owner preserves the by-product. Otherwise, the waste dumps in the air, water or land, depending upon its category.

This dumping causes pollution in the environment which must be created very technically and seriously. In this regard, you may also hire the services of some reputed companies.

Types of Industrial Wastes:

All industrial wastes may be divided into two types.

  • Process waste: It may be either organic or inorganic produced as a result of washing or processing the raw material.
  • Chemical waste: The chemicals produced as a by-product during the preparation of the main product.

The following are the steps to treat the pollutants produced as by-products.

A. Try to reduce the occurrence of waste.

You may do so by:

  • Waste prevention
  • The development of new and clean processing methods
  • End of pipe treatment

B. Thermal treatment of solid waste

The use of heat for the treatment of waste is called thermal treatment. This can be done by:

1) Incineration

This is the most common treatment method involving the aerobic combustion of waste material and the recovery of energy for electricity or heating. Its major advantages involve the quick reduction of waste volume, fewer transportation costs, and no harmful greenhouse gas emissions.

2) Gasification

Without causing any air pollution, this method involves the decomposition of organic waste material by exposing it to a very high temperature and a low amount of oxygen. It also serves a lot for recovering energy.

3) Pyrolysis

This involves almost the same method as gasification except that it does not involve the presence of oxygen at all. The advantage again is energy recovery.

4) Open burning

Environmentally harmful, devoid of any pollution control devices and releasing a lot of pollutants, unfortunately, a lot of local authorities follow this method. The only reason is it’s being very less expensive.

C. Dumping and landfilling

These involve:

1) Sanitary landfills

Commonly situated in areas with resistant natural buffers like clay soil, absence of surface water bodies or a low water body, these landfilling sites present the most commonly used waste disposal solution. This method involves no health and environmental hazards nor any risk of water pollution.

2) Bioreactor landfills

Based on recent technological research, these landfills decompose solid waste by using microbiological processes like microbial digestion.

3) Controlled dumping

Somewhat like sanitary landfills, these dumps have a well-planned capacity, no or partial gas management, basic record maintenance and regular cover.

D. Biological Waste Treatment

1) Composting

This most common and controlled aerobic decomposition of organic solid waste takes place by the action of invertebrates and microbes. Static pile composting, vermin composting, windrow composting and in-vessel composting are the most common composting techniques.

2) Anaerobic Digestion

This biological method decomposes organic solid waste in an oxygen-and-bacteria-free environment.

Hence, you can ensure your factory enjoys a pollution-free environment by taking the above-mentioned steps.

Vinay Mall
An engineer, blogger and stock market analyst. In-depth knowledge of Healthcare Equipment, Automobile and Finance industries. Received service award from GE Chairman & CEO Jeff Immelt in 2013. Vinay loves to cherish his passion for knowledge and to share it with people around him. It's our pleasure to share his views with our readers here at iGuides.org

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