HomeTravelHow and What to Pack for a Weekend Trip!

How and What to Pack for a Weekend Trip!

Vacation is much more than simply going out and relaxing. Vacation is also about packing the right things for the trip so you are fully covered while you travel. Even if it is just a weekend trip, it is important to pack the right things to have a wholesome and fulfilling traveling experience.

Let’s be honest here. We all ask our loved ones what to pack for a weekend trip whenever a plan arises.

Today, we are going to put an end to this debate once and for all. We are here with a weekend trip packing list.

Essential Weekend Packing List

There are some prerequisites when it comes to packing for the weekend. We have a list of them. Let’s check it out.

1. Beach Blanket

It has become a universal fact that whenever some weekend trip plan comes up for discussion, most of us will suggest a visit to the beach. Like, why not? Just imagine sitting on a beach, enjoying the warmth of the sun. A picture-perfect trip for most of us.

But don’t you dare think about leaving your beach blanket behind on a beach weekend trip, or else the picture-perfect weekend trip can quickly turn into a nightmare?

No one will be lying on the beach sand for that long without a beach towel.

2. Sunglasses

The eternal swag that sunglasses hold within themselves is too unbelievable. Whether on a trip or not, wear a pair of dashing sunglasses and a jacket. Now that’s what we call pure and classy fashion. But the fun fact is that sunglasses are more important than you think.

When you decide to go on a trip in hilly areas, sunglasses will aid you a lot in getting a clear vision.

Plus, the health of your eyesight is important, or else how will you witness the sunsets and sunrises in the mountains?

3. Water Bottle (filtration)

Hold it right there, soldier, no need to hurry up and pack all the water bottles you can find in a mart near you. A regular water bottle won’t be enough when you are on a trip. You need something that ensures you are drinking healthy and bacteria-free water.

This is where bottles with built-in filters come into the picture. The filtration provided by these bottles will allow you to refill the bottles at any stop or even at the banks of a fresh river stream. But we won’t advise you to do something like this in the wild.

4. First Aid Kit

Whenever you are thinking about what to pack for a weekend trip, don’t forget the first aid kit. Whether planning a one-day trip or a trip that may last for a complete weekend, having a first aid kit is kind of compulsory.

Well, you never know when you have to face a time when a first aid kit might become the only thing saving your life.

Also, do remember to update the kit from time to time. Many first-aid kit components expire or become less effective after a certain period. If not replaced for long, the life-saving components can work against their ability to heal wounds.

And do you know who first came up with the idea of having a first aid kit? It was Frederick Esmarch.

5. Hand Sanitizer

2019 was the year when COVID-19 made its way to every city, town, and village on planet Earth. It was a difficult time for all of us. At that time, when no vaccine was yet introduced, three things ensured the survival of mankind. Hand Sanitizers, masks, and maintaining a social distance of 6ft.

This indicates how effective hand sanitizers are. Now, suppose you are on a weekend trip, especially on a site where arranging water for even the necessities is more like a tough chore. In that case, hand sanitizers are a great alternative to help you maintain a hygienic and bacteria-free handshake. Your weekend trip packing checklist must include a hand sanitizer.

6. Power Bank

Let’s be honest, guys. We all claim that we will enjoy nature on the trip and nothing else. But we can’t leave our mobile phones or similar gadgets behind for that. These gadgets practically run us and our days now.

So, to ensure the gadgets keep running, carry a power bank with you. Another important thing to keep in mind is the data cable that comes with the power bank. Make sure you have the power bank in mind whenever you are thinking about what to pack for a weekend away.

Carry all the data cables your gadgets require to work, or carry a power bank and recharge it.

7. Waterproof Sleeping Bag

This one is for the hikers and campers among us. When you are on the weekend in a natural park or an outdoor space, chances are that you will be spending the night outside. We get it, guys.

Spending the night under a sky full of stars is a once-in-a-lifetime experience.

So, this puts you at a point where you must make an important choice. To either spend the night in the back of your car/truck. Or get a nice and cozy waterproof sleeping bag to spend the night in ease and comfort.

8. Ready-to-eat Food Packs

If you are visiting the beach on the weekend, you don’t need to carry much food. There will be plenty of stalls and shops nearby where you can get the food of your choice.

But such facilities aren’t always available if you are thinking about a trip to the hills for the weekend.

At this point, you should pack all the ready-to-eat food items you can get. Make sure that these packs are different from your BBQ plan packs.

In case of any sort of emergency, food supplies play a vital role in survival.

9. Hiking Boots

Again, we can’t ignore the hiking and adventurous souls among us. And for such individuals, hiking is the primary source of relaxation and adventure on the weekend.

If you know someone like this in your friend’s circle, it is better to gift them hiking boots before a weekend trip.

Unlike regular boots, hiking boots are designed to withstand the external pressure of hiking sessions.

Also, these boots ensure that your feet stay protected against many environmental factors, such as extreme heat, insects, uneven paths, etc., so you can enjoy a relaxed hike on every trip.

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Additional Tips

  • Plan Following the Destination

The first thing you need to remember is the destination you have decided on for a weekend trip. Why? You can only plan if you know the place and what to pack for a trip. Still not getting the point?

Will you pack a beach towel and sunscreen lotion when going to a hilly national park for the weekend trip?

No, you won’t. This is exactly what we mean when we ask you to plan following the destination.

  • Dispose of Any Garbage/waste

Since the beginning of industrialization, waste production due to human activities has increased by tenfold.

This puts everyone at a point where lowering waste generation has become a must, even on an individual scale, especially when you are visiting a natural park or a space like this.

Every year, the UN publishes a report mentioning that tourists are increasing the garbage/waste accumulation rating in natural parks and habitats.

That is why ensure you dispose of any garbage/waste at the end of the trip. This is a responsibility that every single one of us should take care of.

  • Bring Lights

Weekend trips usually involve night stays. And if you are visiting a hill station or a national park, it is quite evident that you will enjoy a night under the starry sky. The plan seems quite spot on. However, there is one particular thing that we want you to keep in mind.

Bring lights, guys, those that are either battery-operated or can be recharged after use. Lights ensure that no wild animal comes near the camp. Plus, you will require lights during the hike and mountain explorations.

  • Wash Clothes

There is no way you will be spending your weekend in the same clothes. You surely have the option to bring more clothes so your weekend trip can be full of fun and freshness-packed fun activities.

But won’t that just be an extra burden? The plan was originally to go on a mood lightning trip, not a full-fledged vacation.

The best way to overcome this problem is to wash your clothes when you find the time. Not all the clothes you carry, just the essentials like sports or hiking wear. We will also suggest you wash all the trip clothes once you return.

  • Ask for Guidance

In the end, all that’s left to do is to ask for guidance. We aren’t talking about guidance regarding what to pack for a weekend trip.

After how we have thoroughly explained everything, you now know very well what to pack for a weekend away.

But you still need to ask for guidance regarding the area you visit for a weekend trip.

Especially if you are visiting a national park or hill station, you know nothing about. Always better to stay on the safe side from the very start.

Final Note

What to pack for a weekend trip? We are sure you now have a solid checklist in your mind regarding the things you need on a weekend trip. Your trip has to be fulfilling and a checklist really helps you with that.

Saeed Baig
Saeed is a traveler who loves to explore the world and experience thrilling adventures. In short, he is living the life to fullest.

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