HomeLifestyleHealth and FitnessWhy Do I Cry When I Get Mad?

Why Do I Cry When I Get Mad?

Haven’t we all experienced it? Unable to articulate anger, we dissolve into tears, only to rehearse better responses later. It’s a common struggle, but understanding our emotions can help. Recognize the triggers, validate feelings, and practice assertive communication. Over time, we empower ourselves to express anger constructively, bypassing tears.

Let’s dig into the possible reasons for experiencing this emotional turmoil and what we can do to have a better response next time we are mad. Before starting let me tell you, having emotions like sadness, frustration, anger, and crying is completely normal and no emotion is wrong or bad, every one of them needs your love and attention. You can also look into this article, to identify various reasons for being emotional.

Signs of Emotional Vulnerability

  1. Your emotional needs have not been met
  2. Communication is difficult for you
  3. Fright-Freeze response 
  4. Empathy 
  5. People pleasing 

Your emotional needs have not been met

As kids or even as adults we need constant validation of our emotions, that is how we can identify our emotions and befriend them. When emotional needs are unmet, it can lead to distress, low self-esteem, and relationship issues. This neglect often results in mental health problems like depression and anxiety, as well as physical health declines due to stress. Fulfilling these needs is vital for emotional and overall well-being. This can also become the reason for not being able to express anger and crying instead. 

Communication is difficult for you

Communicating anger is difficult because it involves unsolved childhood emotions that can be hard to express constructively. For most people, communication is difficult because they have never been taught how to communicate efficiently or they have never been communicated properly. Fear of conflict or rejection, cultural or upbringing influences can also play a role. Additionally, people might struggle with vulnerability or worry about being misunderstood, making it challenging to articulate their anger effectively.

Flight-Freeze response 

The flight or freeze response can make communicating anger difficult. The flight response leads to avoiding confrontation, while the freeze response results in feeling immobilized and unable to express emotions. Both are instinctive reactions to perceived threats, hindering clear and constructive communication of anger. This overwhelm of emotions can convert into helpless crying. 


If you are an empath you can relate to it. Usually, empathy is considered a weakness but it’s the ability to step into someone else’s shoes and truly feel their emotions, whether it’s joy, sorrow, or frustration. Empathy bridges the gap and fosters understanding in a world that often feels disconnected. However, empathy can also be the reason why a person does not want to hurt others’ feelings and is unable to communicate. Empathetic people are usually sensitive towards harsh criticism or comments such people need to manage their mental boundaries to maintain their inner wisdom, peace, and external poise. 

People pleasing 

People-pleasing involves prioritizing others’ needs over one’s own to gain approval or avoid conflict. This often leads to suppressing anger and frustration, resulting in repressed emotions, resentment, and loss of self. Over time, it can contribute to anxiety, depression, and other mental health issues. 

Guidance on Emotional Vulnerability and Well-being

Overcoming emotional vulnerability is not impossible, it can be very effective if one has the right guidance for it. Here are some solutions that might help you.

  1. Introspect / looking for triggers 
  2. Emotional validation 
  3. Practicing Boundaries
  4. Being articulate and practical 
  5. Practicing meditation, workouts, gym or yoga.  

Introspect / looking for triggers

Introspect triggers for tears instead of anger expression. Explore underlying emotions, such as vulnerability or hurt, prompting tears as a coping mechanism. Examining fear of confrontation, rejection, or emotional discomfort hindering anger expression. Understanding these triggers fosters emotional awareness, enabling healthier processing and communication of anger.

Emotional validation 

Validating your own emotions is crucial because it fosters self-awareness and self-acceptance. Acknowledging your feelings helps you understand and process them, leading to healthier emotional regulation. It also builds resilience and self-compassion, enabling you to navigate life’s challenges with greater clarity and confidence through inner peace. You can learn to validate your own emotions by practicing self-care and mindfulness. 

Practicing Boundaries

Setting boundaries is crucial for safeguarding mental well-being. It involves identifying personal limits communicating them assertively and banishing the bad from your life. Surround yourself with positive people and optimistic things to do. By doing so, individuals protect themselves from over-commitment, resentment, and burnout. It also makes communication easier and emotions are expressed with a natural flow.  Boundaries foster self-respect, and healthier relationships, and reduce stress, promoting emotional balance and overall psychological health.

Being articulate and practical

Being articulate and practical while being angry or crying involves acknowledging emotions without letting them overshadow clarity. Taking deep breaths, expressing thoughts calmly, and assertively with boundaries can help get over this. Validating emotions while focusing on the issue at hand while maintaining composure, fostering productive resolution despite emotional intensity.

Practicing Meditation, Workouts, Gym or Yoga

Meditation, yoga, and workouts are potent tools for mental health. Meditation cultivates mindfulness, reduces stress, increases introspection, and enhances emotional regulation. Yoga combines movement with breath, promoting relaxation and self-awareness. Workouts release endorphins, boosting mood and reducing anxiety. Together, they foster balance, resilience, and emotional well-being, promoting a harmonious mind-body connection. According to the National Institute of Health, there are many health benefits of meditation. 


Not understanding and expressing feelings, especially anger, can be highly frustrating. This unexpressed frustration often leads to meltdowns and burnouts, typically manifesting as loud crying, complicating situations further. Learning to identify and articulate emotions is crucial. Practicing self-awareness and effective communication helps manage anger, reducing emotional outbursts and promoting healthier interactions. This approach fosters emotional balance and clarity in challenging moments. You can diffidently bring joy into your life by practicing mindful activities and dedicating yourself to conscious healing. 

Alisha Shabbir
Alisha Shabbir is a Student, Content Writer and hopefully, a Future Bestselling Author, whose sole passion is to create content that's not only Aesthetically Pleasing but also Progressively Life-Changing. Currently, she has all her resources focused on producing content that improves the quality of life. She writes on a broad range of topics which cover different aspects of life and tackle various issues When she's not working, you can find her buried in Books, lost in Music or Procrastinating on her assignments.

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