HomeLifestyleRelationshipHow to Be a Better Wife? 11 Tips to Improve Your Marriage

How to Be a Better Wife? 11 Tips to Improve Your Marriage

Being in a committed relationship is a lot of work. You can find the most charming person, with the most intense chemistry and still end up alone if you’re not willing to work for your relationship. And marriage is the ultimate commitment. Although, the sanctity of marriage and of lifelong vows are not taken seriously in today’s world.

More and more people are getting divorced over the most trivial of misunderstandings. In fact, the divorce rate is at an all-time high. Of course, we’re not saying that you should stay in an abusive or loveless relationship just for the sake of your children or whatnot. Nevertheless, it is true that it takes constant work to make a marriage successful. On this page, you can learn how to be a better wife or husband and reap all the rewards that come with a happy married life.

Why Should You Even Want to Be a Good Wife? Top Benefits of Having a Healthy Marital Life

How to Be a Better Wife

Being a good wife doesn’t mean conforming to age-old sexist views just for society’s approval. It is for your own sake. Working together and staying in a happy long-term relationship is beneficial to your quality of life. Interestingly, it even enhances your physical well-being. Following are the top advantages you’ll get if you learn how to be a good partner in a relationship.

It Makes You Happier

It is no secret that being around our loved ones makes us happy. Spending time with our beloved family members and friends puts us in a good mood. The same is true for marriages and long-term relationships. Additionally, it is backed by several studies which show an increased level of oxytocin when people are around someone they love. Oxytocin is the “love and happiness” hormone secreted by the brain that has positive effects on our bodies.

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Your Physical and Mental Health Improves

Couples who are happy together encourage each other to get physically healthy. If you’re alone, you might neglect exercising and continue eating junk food. It is usually the case that people struggle to maintain healthy and good habits when they’re alone. On the other hand, having an accountability partner helps them stay on track. And a spouse can fill this role perfectly.

Moreover, being physically fit elevates your mental health as well. Exercise helps you manage stress and other negative emotions. Encouraging your spouse to form healthy habits and being supportive are the traits of a good wife or husband. Similarly, people can deal with traumatic life experiences better when they have a loved one beside them.

Happy Couples Feel Less Stressed

According to a study conducted by the University of Chicago, people who are in happy relationships feel less stressed. Unlike people who are single or in unsatisfactory relationships who easily get stressed at even the minor things. The study showed a decreased level of stress hormone “cortisol” in their blood.  So, learn how to be a good wife and improve your marriage life. Consequently, you’ll get to live a stress-free life! Given, of course, that your husband makes the same effort!

You Stay Young for Longer

Another benefit of a long-term relationship is that happy couples remain youthful longer. This means not experiencing many of the pains that are associated with growing old, having wrinkle-free smooth skin and just having more energy all around. You and your spouse are also likely to take more care of each other.

It Actually Increases Your Lifespan

A study concludes that a happy marital life increases your life expectancy and reduces the risks of major heart diseases. The same goes for unmarried couples who stay in committed long-term relationships.

You Gain Quick Healing Abilities

This might sound a bit superstitious but it’s true. In a trial, couples were administered small blisters on their forearms and monitored. Those who had a positive interaction with their spouses showed a faster recovery rate than those who had negative interactions. This concludes that happy couples heal faster and recover from injuries quickly. They even experience less pain due to high levels of oxytocin.

11 Ways on How to Be a Good Wife to Your Husband

Now that you have enough incentives to be a good wife to your husband, let’s learn about tips to improve your marriage!

1. Get Clear About Marital Expectations and Roles

In a relationship, both partners have different roles. The same is true for marriage. Although, a modern marriage looks different than the past ones where the wife was only confined to the home. In today’s world, a wife has to tend to the home, have a full-time job and also look after the children. This is too much for a single person and not sustainable. That’s why the first step to a good marriage is discussing roles and expectations.

What your spouse requires of you. Some husbands might be financially well-off and require a supportive, loving companion to come home to. Someone who makes their house a warm home. Contrastingly, others might be adept at taking care of the home and cooking every meal. They might not require a traditional wife. These are all the things that couples should discuss at length before beginning their marital journey.

2. Be Considerate Even in Small Things

This goes both ways. Consideration is what makes a good wife but it’s also what makes a good husband or even a human. You can show consideration towards your husband by bringing him tea or coffee and preparing his dinner when he comes home from work. And even by not bombarding him with the troubles of the day when he returns tired and stressed out from work. In turn, he can show consideration by making meals, giving you a massage or even getting things off the high cabinet if you’re a short girl and resolving your numerous short girl problems.

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3. Learn Homemaking Skills

On the list of things a wife should do for her husband, homemaking is at the top. Whether you’re a full-time housewife or not, you should know various homemaking tips and skills to improve the house. From cooking to cleaning to laundry and much more, you should have basic know-how for these tasks.

You can even learn together with your husband! The plus point of this is that the house won’t go into shambles if one of you is unavailable or sick. It’s even better to involve children (of both genders) in these activities. A collective effort is what ensures a healthier and safer home for your family.

4. Have Common Hobbies and Activities

If you’ve been wondering “how to be a better wife to my husband” and still not getting anything conclusive, then this is for you. Common hobbies and activities. The number one method to interact, communicate and connect with your husband is to share hobbies. It can be anything. For example, gardening, hiking, gaming, painting, knitting, cooking, etc. The key here is to set time aside for each other and use these activities to bond.

5. Exercise Together

One of the top Habits of the Happiest couples is that they exercise together. Staying fit and healthy has a direct impact on how you feel and consequently, on how you interact and show up for other people. This becomes even more important when you’re a married couple. Since spouses usually start to lose interest in each other when they stop caring about their appearance, form and fitness. Staying in shape will keep you attracted to each other. Furthermore, you’re more likely to stick to this habit if you do it together with an accountability partner.

6. Take a Communicative Approach to Avoid Fights

Arguments and disagreements are a natural part of any relationship. If you want to maintain a good and happy relationship with your partner or husband, then communication is key. Communicating in marriage is different from communicating in other relationships. You should come from a place of openness and acceptance. The goal should be to solve the problem, not to point fingers at each other. Best communication tips for newlyweds include:

  • Resolving your own emotions on the matter before confronting your spouse
  • Addressing the problem as soon as possible to avoid misunderstandings
  • Taking some time and space to calm volatile emotions before having a constructive conversation
  • Not bringing up past mistakes and blaming each other

7. Get Financial Education for Couples

One of the top things most couples fight about is money. That is why it is super important to talk about financial matters in a marriage. This includes managing finances, saving up for vacations, dream homes and retirement, etc.

Basically, talk to your spouse about your shared future goals and how to get there. If all this sounds too daunting, then worry not. There are numerous financial advisors that specialize in money management for newlyweds and couples. Furthermore, you should learn how to maintain a house on a budget to achieve your financial goals sooner.

8. Keep the spark Alive! Don’t neglect your Sex Life

All these things help you maintain a happy relationship with your husband, but it can quickly turn into a cordial friendship or partnership if you don’t keep that spark alive! Sex is very important for happy couples and even serves as a way to further increase your connection with your spouse.

Usually, couples neglect their sex life as they settle into comfortable home life and routine. Don’t make that mistake. Take your love life to the next level and make your sex life interesting. Dressing up nicely for bed and passionately kissing your husband every day is a great way to keep that tension going!

9. Be Your Own Person!

How to be a better wife isn’t just about catering to your husband’s and family’s needs. It’s about yourself as well. If you lose yourself and turn into a people-pleasing person, it would be heartbreaking to you and detrimental to your married life. You should never lose your individuality and what makes you, you. So, go out and have fun with friends! Have hobbies or businesses outside of the home that you truly enjoy.

You can only take care of your family if you’re a confident, fulfilled and happy person yourself! Not to mention that your husband will feel infinitely more attracted to you when he sees you fully in your element!

10. Believe in your Husband

Marriage is a lifelong commitment. People change and so do their career paths, hobbies and interests. Through all this change, having a constant supportive spouse is the greatest blessing of all time. They can be there for you in uncertain times and give you the strength and courage to pursue your dreams. Therefore, as a wife, believe in your husband and vice versa.

Each individual has different needs and you can learn how to be a supportive wife by openly communicating with your husband and sharing his burdens. In turn, he can share yours. Often spouses don’t require you to do anything grand, just be that one person who believes in them unconditionally and gives them strength.

11. Grow Together

As I said, people change. The biggest key to having a good marriage life for a long time is to change together. In other words, grow together with your spouse. As you go through life together, you’ll encounter various difficulties and struggles that will challenge you. They might become a breaking point if one of you continues to stay the same old way and refuses to adapt. That’s why growing together and embracing change leads to the ultimate happy life and long-term marriages.

The Takeaway!

Marriage requires work on part of both parties; the husband and wife. You can learn all the qualities of a good wife and still not make it work if your husband doesn’t do the same. But collectively, you can create a harmonious and peaceful life together for each other as well as your children.

Ana is an internet entrepreneur and one of the founders of iGuides, she loves to give adequate time to her passion which is writing. She holds a PHD in English Literature.

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